Local speakers join national research group in review of North Carolina’s surface transportation infrastructure needs.
Thursday, May 11
Report will be posted online at 10 a.m. EDT at www.tripnet.org
A new report to be released by TRIP examines Wilmington and North Carolina road and bridge conditions, travel trends, traffic congestion, highway safety, transportation funding, and the status of needed transportation improvements. Local speakers will join TRIP, a Washington-DC based transportation research organization, on Thursday to highlight the report’s findings and discuss possible solutions.
The report, Keeping North Carolina Mobile: Progress and Challenges in Providing an Efficient, Safe and Well-maintained Transportation System, examines the impact of recent transportation funding legislation and documents the current and future funding shortfall faced by NCDOT.
Natalie Haskins English, President & CEO, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
Carolyn Bonifas Kelly, Associate Director of Research & Communication, TRIP
Rocky Moretti 202.262.0714 (cell)
Carolyn Bonifas Kelly 703.801.9212 (cell)