About TRIP
Founded in 1971, TRIP is a private nonprofit organization that researches, evaluates and distributes economic and technical data on surface transportation issues. TRIP promotes transportation policies that help relieve traffic congestion and its impact on air quality, improve road and bridge conditions, make surface travel safer, and enhance economic productivity. TRIP is sponsored by insurance companies, equipment manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers, businesses involved in highway and transit engineering and construction, labor unions, and organizations concerned with an efficient and safe surface transportation network that promotes economic development and quality of life.
Our Vision
To be the essential source of strategic messaging achieved through innovation and collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders to achieve sustainable transportation infrastructure funding.
Our Mission
TRIP is a credible source of data and information for a diverse group of transportation stakeholders; delivers news and social media coverage of transportation issues and messages; and, informs and promotes discussion of policies that improve the movement of goods and people, make surface travel safer, and enhance economic development and productivity.