Local speakers join national transportation research nonprofit in review of road & bridge conditions, congestion, safety


Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 10 a.m. CDT


Illinois Chamber of Commerce
300 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 1600
Chicago, IL


The average driver in in the Chicagoland area loses $2,559 annually as a result of driving on roads that are deteriorated, congested, and that lack some desirable safety features, according to a new report from TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit based in Washington, DC. Local speakers will join TRIP on Wednesday to highlight the report’s findings and discuss possible solutions.

The report, Illinois Transportation by the Numbers: Meeting the State’s Need for Safe, Smooth and Efficient Mobility, examines road and bridge conditions, congestion, economic development, highway safety, and transportation funding in the Chicago area and statewide. In addition to statewide data that examines Illinois’ transportation system as a whole, the TRIP report includes regional data for the Chicago, Champaign-Urbana, Metro East, Peoria-Bloomington, Rockford, Southern Illinois and Springfield areas.


Candace Gerritsen, Chief Operating Officer, Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Ben Taylor, Executive Director, Congressional and Public Affairs, Great Lakes Region, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Nick Jarmusz, Midwest Director of Public Affairs, AAA

Rocky Moretti, Director of Research and Policy, TRIP


Rocky Moretti (TRIP)  202-262-0714 (cell)

Carolyn Bonifas Kelly (TRIP)  703-801-9212 (cell)

Whitney Barnes (Chamber)    217-638-3543 (cell)

Nick Jarmusz (AAA) 608-556-4744 (cell)