Local speakers join national research group in review of Minnesota’s surface transportation infrastructure needs.


1:30 – 2:30 p.m., Thursday, May 4
Report will be posted online at 10 a.m. CDT at www.tripnet.org


St Louis County Courthouse

100 N 5th Ave Suite 202

Duluth, MN 55802


Amid a declining level of funding available for maintenance to the state’s roads and bridges, Minnesota faces a $2.8 billion transportation funding shortfall over the next four years, leading to deteriorating road and bridge conditions, a lack of safety improvements, and increasing congestion due to increases in vehicle travel. TRIP’s report identifies unfunded transportation projects in the Duluth area, costing between $429 and 536 million, that are needed to improve conditions, relieve traffic congestion and improve traffic safety. Local speakers will be available to offer comments on the report and TRIP spokespersons will be available for phone interviews throughout the day. TRIP is a Washington-DC based transportation research organization.

The report, Modernizing Minnesota’s Transportation System: Challenges in Providing Safe, Efficient and Well-maintained Roads, Highways and Bridges, examines road and bridge conditions, travel trends, economic development, highway safety, transportation funding, and the status of needed transportation improvements in the Twin Cities, Rochester, Duluth and statewide.


Kevin Gray, St. Louis County Administrator, 218-726-2448

Jim Foldesi, St. Louis County Engineer, 218-625-3840

Mr. Gray and Mr. Foldesi are available for interviews between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. at the St. Louis County Courthouse.


Rocky Moretti – TRIP – 202.262.0714 (cell)

TRIP Office -202.466.6706