The safety, condition and efficiency of the U.S. transportation system serves as the backbone of our economy and social networks and is pivotal to quality of life, allowing for access to jobs, education, recreation, healthcare and social functions. As the nation continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the reliability, safety and condition of its roads, highways, bridges and transit systems will play a critical role in Americans’ quality of life.  Ensuring that Americans benefit from a full economic and social recovery from the pandemic will require that the nation is served by a transportation system that is efficient, safe and well-maintained.

This report will examine how the following factors impact the condition, reliability, efficiency and safety of the nation’s transportation system.

  • Transportation funding made available by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which is providing a needed boost in highway and transit investment.
  • The role of the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which collects and distributes IIJA funding, based largely on a reliable stream of highway user fees.
  • The condition, performance and funding needs of the nation’s roads, highways, bridges and transit systems.