A new report that documents South Dakota’s greatest transportation challenges will be released at a news conference in Sioux Falls at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. The report is being released by TRIP, a national nonprofit transportation research group based in Washington, DC.

The report, “South Dakota’s Top Transportation Challenges: Meeting the State’s Need for Safe and Efficient Mobility,” identifies the top transportation challenges the state faces, including deteriorated pavements, deficient bridges, high traffic fatality rates, hampered economic growth and inadequate transportation funding.

Rocky Moretti, TRIP’s director of policy and research, will present the findings of the report at the news conference. Local speakers will be on hand to comment on the report.

WHEN: 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WHERE: Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce CVB Board Room

200 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite 102

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Evan Nolte, President & CEO, Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce

Rocky Moretti, Director of Research & Policy TRIP

Rocky Moretti 202.262.0714 (cell)

Carolyn Bonifas Kelly (TRIP) 703.801.9212 (cell)