- WTOP | 02/03/2020
Traffic, rough roads cost average No. Va. driver 102 hours, $2600 a year
(click picture for story)
- Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial | 02/03/2020
Time to address our infrastructure deficits
(click picture for story)
- Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial | 10/02/2021
Traditional infrastructure investments will improve human outcomes
- WTKR (CBS 3) | 02/03/2020
Report says roads, traffic, cashes cost Hampton Roads drivers more than $1,700 per year
- The Roanoke Star | 02/04/2020
Roanoke Area Motorists Lose Average of $1300 A Year Due to Poor Roadways
- Patch |02/03/2020
Here’s What Congestion Costs the Average NoVa Driver: Report
- Augusta Free Press | 02/05/2020
Report details cost of punting transportation fixes
- Examples of Social Media Activity | February 2020