• KPAX (CBS 8) | 01/19/2023
    Study details costs, challenges of poor road conditions in Montana

  • NBC Montana (KECI) | 01/18/2023
    Transportation experts identify Montana’s transportation challenges

  • KTVQ (CBS-CW) | 01/18/2023
    A tough road to hoe: New report highlights challenges for Montana roadways

  • KTMF-KWYB (ABC-FOX) | 01/18/2023
    Report urges support for road and bridge infrastructure projects in Montana
  • KGVO (AM News) | 01/28/2023
    Missoula Has 5th and 7th Most Needed Road Improvement Projects
  • Roads & Bridges | 01/23/2023
    TRIP Examines Montana’s Infrastructure in New Report