TRIP works with media publications to distribute key insights from transportation research reports. Find news stories covering our research here.
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Civil Beat: Honolulu’s Potholes Cost Drivers — And Taxpayers — Millions

Starkville Daily News- Study: Poor infrastructure costing MS motorists $2.9B annually

The Clarion Ledger- Study: Roads cost Jackson and Miss. drivers big bucks

Jackson Free Press- Bad Streets Cost Jackson Drivers Over $2,000 a Year in Extra Vehicle Costs

Sun Herald- Bad roads and bridges in Mississippi are costing motorists big bucks

WMC-TV Channel 5- Report: Poor road conditions cost north MS drivers $1,800 per year

WLBT NBC3- TRIP study finds – Bad roads cost billions in Mississippi

WAPT ABC16- Study shows Jackson roads cost drivers up to $2K a year

WDAM NBC-ABC- Poor road conditions costing Hattiesburg drivers thousands