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The Gazette- Colorado Springs’ deteriorating roads costing drivers, out of-date report says

KOAA NBC5- Deficient roads cost Colorado Springs drivers nearly $2K per year

KKTV CBS11- Nonprofit says Colorado drivers losing money on roads

WDTV CBS 5 – Report: Morgantown roads worst for costing drivers money

Charleston Gazette-Mail – W.VA. ROADS REPORT ‘ALARMING’ Drivers spend $1.4B on additional repairs from poor conditions each year, report says

The Dominion Post – TRIP: Bad roads cost $1.4B

The State Journal – New report says poor roads cost WV drivers $1.4 billion

WTAP NBC – New report says poor condition of W.Va. roads cost drivers millions per-year in extra repair costs.

WV Public Broadcasting – Report: W.Va. Roads Cost Taxpayers $1.4 Billion Annually in Vehicle Maintenance, Lost Time